3rd weekend - 14th to 17th December 2023
Ogechi Spacetime - Through the Dream Portal - story telling and performance about the future. Decolonisation of the textiles industry with Annie Sherbourne. Mantas – education and mental health. Radical Empathy, Love and Anger with Sadia Sheeraz. Heath Robinson Workshop with Clare Linge from the Heath Robinson Museum, Pinner. Drawing workshop with Josh Knowles
Also including craft, textiles and collage workshops with Cloud Dare and CraftAnoon as well as Letters to the Earth, Climate card games, music soundtrack by Zivi Sainsbury, Waterbear film programmes, The Great Imagining Library with Journalism and writing workshops.
Including ideas Boards, infographics, Beautiful Trouble and Forest School card games, TGI library, Misplaced Museum, Cabinet of Curiosities, Media Centre - Editors Office. All served with free coffee, tea and delicious Greek stews made by ethical food manufacturers and long term collaborators, Gaia Pulses,