This initiative has evolved out of our Earthday pilots in April this year: one of which took place in Kampala, Uganda.
This project is being facilitated by the team at AVIAS African Visual Artists Association.
The AVIAS team are now developing their own edition of the newspaper called The Great Imagining Africa with a view to distributing these papers and stories at climate related events such as COP as well as schools throughout Uganda and beyond. They are working with activists and NGOs throughout Uganda as well as in association with artists and activists in Kenya, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and South Africa. ​
The Great Imagining support for young activists
The Great Imagining UK has supported young journalists in their network to visit The African Climate Summit and The Intercontinental Youth Summit. ​This work is developing relationships to enable effective communication, cultural understanding and learning between young people and their communities within the UK and in African States.
This is within the context of building a greener, fairer, wiser future for everyone especially people experiencing directly the effects of climate change and ecological crises.
Report on the Intercontinental Youth Connect Summit
Brian Munyanganizi, Uganda
Report on the African Climate Summit from an art, education and youth perspective.
Samuel Tenywa, Uganda